Population Interactive Graphs

Posted by me on Fri 20 March 2020
tags:Covid-19, Plotly
slug:Population Graphs
authors:Matt Hazaras
summary:Interactive Plotly graphs that align covid-19 case data.

Below I have included an interactive graph that aligns the case data around the nearest "100th" cases as day 0 for that country.

Should you beleive the numbers coming out of China. Zero new cases in several days and lifting of restrictions.

I wouldn't.

Below i have another take on the Covid-19 Active Cases data adjusted to "Percent of Population" basis.

Isolate out Japan and China. Japan has twice the relative population density as China. Both populations are also very obedient regarding government orders.

Japan has maintained a slow and constant near linear increase in active cases.

China was running rampid and then misteriously wasn't

Take a look below.